A Council Meets

The Pandavas moved to Upaplavya in the Matsya kingdom. Krishna and Balarama with the Yadava forces, Drupada and Dhrishtadyumna with their armies and several other princes arrived. The marriage of Abhimanyu and Uttara was celebrated. Then discussions began about a war to get the Pandavas their kingdom. Some, like Balarama, were not in favour of war. Krishna and Drupada said that there were ties of family and friendship between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. War would be very difficult for them and for their allies. So, it was decided that first efforts should be made to find a peaceful solution by sending a messenger to Dhritarashtra, misled by his sons, asking for the return of the Pandavas’ kingdom. Perhaps Vidura and Bhishma and the teachers, Drona and Kripa, would be able to persuade the foolish king. This would also give the Pandavas time to prepare for the impending war.

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