Duryodhana’s Hospitality

The uncle of Nakula and Sahadeva, Madri’s brother, King Salya, was on his way with his huge army to meet the Pandavas. Duryodhana heard of it and decided to take care of him and his army lavishly when they camped. Salya thought all the hospitality was arranged by the Pandavas, so he was very happy and accepted it without checking. When he thanked the attendants, they gave the message to Duryodhana. He came to meet Salya. Salya asked him how he could repay him and immediately Duryodhana asked him to fight the war on his side. Salya knew he had been tricked, but he had to agree. He explained the whole incident to the Pandavas. Both he and the Pandavas were sad. But Salya had decided that during a crisis he would dishearten the Kaurava warriors. Yudhishthira learnt that he should be alert to ensure the loyalty of his relatives and friends.

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