For fifteen years, Dhritarashtra and Gandhari lived in Hastinapura under the care of Yudhishthira. Then, he called Yudhishthira one day and asked his permission to withdraw into the forest with Gandhari. They had been unbearably unhappy since all their sons were dead. Only Yuyutsu lived now. They had practised severe penance living in the palace. Dhritarashtra was aware that it was his sons’ evil actions which had brought about their destruction. Yudhishthira felt sad. He said he or his son Yuyutsu could rule the kingdom, while he himself went into the forest. But Dhritarashtra could find no more peace in the palace. He asked Vidura and Kripacharya to take care of the King. Then he turned to Gandhari as he became unconscious. Vyasa told Yudhishthira to let the old king go. “It is the dharma of kings to either die in the battle or to withdraw into the forest at the end of their life.”
Vanaprastha for Dhritarashtra