Across the Ganga

Happily, the boatman agreed. He fetched water in a pot and lovingly washed Rama’s feet. Picking up his oars, he seated the three of them in his old boat and ferried them across the river. When they reached the opposite bank, they got down and turned to thank the boatman. He fell at Rama’s feet, seeking his blessing. Rama signalled Seeta to give something to the boatman. Seeta took off a ring and offered it to the boatman. “No, my lord! I will not accept this!” exclaimed the boatman. “My life’s ambition has been fulfilled by seeing you and being blessed by you. My sins and troubles have vanished like a dark night vanishing at dawn! I need nothing more, my lord!” Rama thanked the generous boatman who returned to his boat.

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