Sugreeva Takes Charge

When there was no sign of Vaali, Sugreeva was crowned King. But Vaali returned. He thought Sugreeva had been trying to kill him and take his place as King. He was furious with Sugreeva for sealing him in the cave and accused him of wanting his kingdom. He chased Sugreeva out and took over the kingdom and Sugreeva’s wife too. Sugreeva also told Rama about Vaali’s encounter with the ogre, Dundubhi. Dundubhi was a demon in the form of a wild buffalo. He went to ask Vishnu for a combat. But Vishnu sent him off to Shiva, who, in turn, sent him to Indra. Indra told him to have a combat with Vaali. Vaali accepted his challenge. The combat was terrible, and went on for one year. Finally, Vaali pulled out one of Dundubhi’s horns and killed him with it. Then, picking him up, he whirled him around and flung the dead body far away.

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