Petunia was a beautiful little chestnut mare. She lived on Farmer Harold’s farm. She was very vain about her looks. She spent a lot of time curling her mane and looking at her reflection in the manger. One day, she saw Mrs Harold wearing a marvellous straw hat with two yellow roses on it. Petunia longed for that hat. One day, Mrs Harold forgot her hat in the buggy when she returned from the market. There was great panic on the farm as everyone hunted high and low for the missing hat! The cook, the poultry help, the milkmaid and the gardener couldn’t find it anywhere. Mr Harold had to go to sell a sheep. When he went to the stable, he found Petunia preening herself wearing the hat! He laughed and soon Mrs Harold was trotting to market with Petunia also wearing a hat with roses!