Florence was the new puppy at the farm. She had arrived in a large basket and gave herself airs. She had been trained at a very high-quality kennel and felt that she was superior to all the silly farm creatures. “If you have any problems,” she told everyone in her superior voice, “Come to me.” The ducklings named her ‘Auntie Florence’. The farm creatures took her all kinds of ‘problems’. “Could you teach us how to swim, please?” asked the ducklings. “Oh, do help us scratch in the yard for food,” begged the chicks. “I’ve lost my voice,” whispered the donkey. “I need to find it!” One evening, Florence found them chuckling near the pond. “Those ducklings can swim! And the chicks know all about scratching for food. And that donkey actually brayed!” she thought, ‘They were making a fool of me!’ Now, she didn’t give herself airs and learnt to laugh at herself!