Wise-Eye Wants a Friend

Wise-Eye, the crow, had followed the pigeons from the old tree and saw this whole episode. He was very impressed seeing the way the Mouse King had helped the pigeons. “Mouse King!” he called, “Will you be my friend too, please?” “And who are you?” asked the cautious Mouse King. “I am Wise-Eye, the Crow,” he said, “I saw your wisdom when you helped the pigeons. And I would like to be friends with you.” Nibbles laughed, “We are natural enemies. Crows eat mice. So, how can I be your friend? Haven’t you heard the story of the jackal who would have eaten the deer but for the crow?” “No,” said Wise-Eye, “Do tell me what the story is.” “I’ll tell you about the friendship of a deer and a crow who lived in a grove of champak trees in Bihar,” said Nibbles.

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