“Staying hidden in the lake may be wiser and easier for Slow-Toes,” suggested Nibbles. “Why do you say that, Nibbles?” asked his friends, “Isn’t it better for him also to come away with us to another part of the forest?” “Slow-Toes cannot move fast on land, my friends,” observed Nibbles, “Trying to go across land, Slow-Toes is likely to suffer more like the merchant’s son.” “What is this about the merchant’s son, Nibbles?” asked the others. “It is the story of a merchant’s son whose efforts were enormous, but were wasted. You see that the results should match the amount of hard work one puts in, shouldn’t they? But in his case, they did not produce results that should have come after so much effort,” said Nibbles. The others immediately wanted to hear it, so he told them the story.
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