Hefty’s Progress

“Sir, we have brought you the bull!” said Damanaka. The King spent a lot of time talking to Hefty and gradually realised how wise the bull was. One day, Hefty asked him what became of the deer he had killed earlier in the day. “The jackals will know about it,” said the King. Hefty asked him to check up and the King found that the meat was not there any more. “How could they have eaten so much meat?” he wondered aloud. The wise Hefty told him that the jackals took away the meat always, eating some and wasting a lot of it. He advised the King to be a little more careful of his valuable meat, because no one had a right to take the King’s treasures or property without permission. “A minister should not tamper with the things belonging to the King or the kingdom,” said Hefty. The King was very impressed with Hefty’s honesty and service.

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