Doordarshi came to the court of Karpuradweepa and was welcomed warmly by the King and by Chakravaka. They began to discuss the purpose of his visit. Doordarshi said that different people had to be attracted in different ways. For instance, a greedy man would only be attracted by wealth. But only the truth attracts a wise person. “Therefore I will come straight to the truth,” said Doordarshi, “I have come to make peace with you on behalf of King Jewel Plume of Jambudweepa.” “When you say you will make peace, what exactly do you mean?” asked King Silver Plume. “There are various kinds of treaties for peace, my lord,” explained Doordarshi, “There are treaties between equals, treaties by marriage alliances, treaties for achieving a future objective, for helping each other mutually, for saving one’s life and for many other reasons.”