The Owl and the Swan

Deep in the jungle, there was a lake. A swan lived there. One day, an owl saw the beautiful surroundings of the lake. He decided to stay there. Soon, the owl befriended the swan. During the hot summer, the lake dried up. The owl said, “Dear friend, I’m going back to the banyan tree by the river. Do visit me.” Some weeks later, the swan decided to visit the owl. After a long flight, he reached the owl’s home at sunset. The owl welcomed the swan and offered him delicious dishes. The swan was tired and went to sleep on the branches of the banyan tree, near the owl. At night, a merchant rested under the banyan tree. When the owl hooted, he said angrily, “Unlucky bird, I’ll kill you.” He drew a bow and shot an arrow at the owl. The owl ducked. But the arrow hit the swan and he died.

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