The Donkey Who Was Worshipped

There was a man who lived in a village. He had a donkey. He would put the donkey to work by tying goods on his back and transporting them from one place to another. The man gave very little food to his donkey. The donkey was always sad. One day, the man had to transport the statues of deities to a village near by. He tied the statues on the donkey’s back and walked beside the donkey. On the way, many people stopped and bowed down to the deities. As they went along, more and more people came near them and paid their respects. The donkey thought the people were worshipping him. He stopped and began enjoying all the attention. The man noticed this and said, “Do you think these people are worshipping you? They are paying respects to the deities. Don’t be a fool by taking credit due to others.”

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