Ravana was rejoicing at the success of his son and the death of Rama and Laxman. Then, he received news from his secret messenger that Rama and Laxman were still alive. To kill Rama and Laxman, Ravana sent Prahasta, his most powerful demon soldier, to the battlefield. Unfortunately, he too was killed in the battlefield. Losing all his men one by one, Ravana decided to go to the battlefield himself. As he arrived with his collection of special weapons, he saw that arrows were coming from all directions. Resplendent in his chariot, Ravana positioned himself and started to strike back. Within minutes, he killed hundreds of monkeys. Seeing this, both Rama and Laxman started firing their weapons at Ravana and gradually weakened him. The demon king Ravana was wounded and his golden crown and his chariot had broken. Without a weapon, Ravana stood helpless on the battlefield. Rama walked up to him and said, “It is not right to fight a soldier when he is unarmed. I spare you. Go back and come fully armed tomorrow.” Ravana lowered his face in shame and went back to his palace.

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