Once there was a proud peacock, who lost an ocellus (eyespot) during a rain dance. When the peacock realised that his tail was one ocellus short, he called the best detectives in the forest, the fox and the monkey. The fox was clever and wise, while the monkey was smart. The fox went looking for the missing ocellus into the deepest part of the forest. He met a snake, but did not ask for help. He knew he was wiser than the snake. Yet, the fox found nothing! The monkey was a talkative, happy detective. Entering the same deep forest, he met the same snake. He greeted the snake, asking him about the missing ocellus. The snake had seen the ocellus dropping down during the peacock’s rain dance. So, he told the monkey, who returned it to its owner and collected a big reward. The dejected fox realised that taking help does not make one less wise or less clever.
Asking for Help