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A wealthy doctor named Robert Darwin had four daughters and two sons. When his youngest son, Charles, was eight, Robert’s wife died. So, Charles was raised by his elder sisters. Charles’ father encouraged his interest in Botany, but also made sure that he had a traditional education in Latin and Greek at the boarding school. However, Charles hated school. So he did the minimum work possible and preferred to spend his time bird-watching and collecting beetles. His father was worried that Charles would become idle. So, he often said, “You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat-catching. If you continue like this, you will be a disgrace to yourself and your family.” However, Charles’ passion never ended. As a university student, he had one of the best beetle collections. In fact, Charles Darwin continued to collect and to research. Finally, he became famous for his theory of evolution by natural selection, which is the foundation of modern evolutionary studies.

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