The Clever Wolf

Some men went to the forest for a picnic in the afternoon. But the walk to the forest was very tiring. So, they hurriedly ate up everything they had brought. After that, they all went off to sleep. It was dusk when they got up. All of them started feeling hungry again. One of them said, “Prepare fire. I will get something to eat.” He took a club and reached a lake where animals came to drink water. He sat down under a tree and pretended to sleep. After some time, a pack of wolves came to drink water. They saw the man sleeping. The leader of the pack was clever. He told the other wolves, “This man is not sleeping. He is waiting to catch an animal.” To prove his point, he went near the man. The man immediately got up and threw his club at the wolf. But the wolf was alert and dodged the club, and ran away.

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