Meanwhile, in his palace in Egypt, the king was having second thoughts. Why had he let those Israelite slaves escape? He forgot all about the terrible disaster that had made him send them packing. Now he wondered how he would get their hard work. He must fetch them all back. He gave orders for his soldiers to get their horses and chariots ready and set out in search of the Israelites. They would ride fast through the desert and soon track down the huge, straggling crowd with their children and animals, plodding slowly along. Then they could round them all up and bring them back to Egypt. The Israelites were busy setting up their camp near the Sea of Reeds. In front of them lay the waters of the lake and all around them stretched the bare, uninviting desert. Suddenly the bustle of the camp was interrupted by shouts of alarm. Someone had spotted a dust-cloud on the distant horizon and soon the watchers were able to see the shape of the dreaded was-chariots of Egypt, coming neared by the minutes.
Slaves, Come Back!