Jephthah’s Promise

God sent Jephthah, a brave and strong soldier, to rescue the people of Israel from the atrocities of Canaan’s and especially the ruler Ammonites. He grew up in Gilead and had many half brothers. He led a vagabond life, after his brother had turned him down. He got a message from his people, who wanted him to save them. He agreed to help them provided he was accepted as their leader and his terms were accepted by the people. He didn’t want to fight, so tried to make peace with Ammonites, which failed. He assembled his army, but committed a grave mistake so as to make God be with him. He promised God, “I will sacrifice anything that I see first, if you give me victory.” He and his team won the war, and at the end he started back towards home. However the first person he saw was his only child, and his excitement turned out to be sober. He couldn’t break his promise and had to honour it.

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