Mickey, the clown, sat on a wooden box looking very sad. The circus had to perform a special show for the palace. He didn’t want to perform, for he had fallen in love with Princess Gwendoline when he saw her. ‘What will she think of a clown performing silly tricks?’ he thought. But he had no choice. On Saturday night, the king and the queen came with Princess Gwendoline and all the palace staff to watch the circus. There was a roll of drums and a trill of pipes and the circus began. Everyone watched in great excitement as the acrobats, trapeze artists, the lions and the elephants arrived one after another to entertain them. But they laughed the most when Mickey tumbled in! Unknown to him, Gwendoline had not smiled for years. But when she saw Mickey, she laughed. “Please stay for Gwendoline,” requested the queen. And Mickey was delighted to serve the princess of his heart!