Sheikh in the Well

One day, Sheikh Chilli was trying to climb up a tree. He lost his balance while climbing and instead of falling down completely, he got stuck on a branch. Now, that branch was just above a well. A horse-rider passing by saw Sheikh stuck on the tree and went to help him. He told Sheikh that he would come riding under him and would grab his legs. Sheikh should then leave the branch. Sheikh agreed. The rider then rode his horse at a fast pace and grabbed Sheikh’s legs. But stupid Sheikh did not leave the branch and the rider got pulled off from the horse, instead. Now both the men hung over the well. The horse-rider was furious, and shouted, “You stupid boy!” Sheikh said, “I am really sorry. I could have easily loosened my grip on the branch like this,” saying these words he relaxed his grip. And, both the men fell into the well!

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