Interesting Names

The names of the localities of Delhi amused Sheikh a lot after the incident of Ballimaran. Now, he thought of exploring more unique names. First, he went to a place named ‘Naya Bans’ (new bamboo). He started searching for bamboo merchants. When he asked one merchant, “Sir, I want to buy new bamboo shoots; can you tell me where I get them from?” The merchant laughed and said, “We do not sell bamboos in ‘Naya Bans’.” Then Sheikh moved on and reached a place named, ‘Khari Baoli’ (salty well). He wondered, ‘I don’t see any salty wells in this area!’ When Sheikh reached his hotel that evening, the owner told him, “Son, do not look for meanings in the names of places. This is the beauty of this city. Enjoy it and better look for a job.”

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