Sheikh’s Uncontrollable Hunger

Sheikh Chilli was famous for his appetite. After he had got married, his love for food increased. He became obsessed with the thought of eating. He woke up and started eating and went to bed still eating. His wife and mother were very disturbed and worried. When Sheikh’s mother went to visit a relative in another village, the entire burden of feeding the hungry Sheikh fell on his wife’s shoulders. She cooked food enough for four people. But Sheikh finished it off in the morning itself, not leaving any food for his wife. In fact, after some time he asked her for more! Sheikh’s wife was absolutely fed up of cooking endlessly for the insatiable Sheikh. She told him she would no longer cook for him; he could do so himself. Sheikh reminded his wife that the last time he had cooked, the kitchen was on fire. But Sheikh’s wife was adamant. Sheikh finally promised to keep aside food for others, before starting to eat. In the end, his wife relented and both sat down to a meal prepared by her!

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