A king and a queen had a son. He was very intelligent. He succeeded his father as a king when he grew up. He proved to be a very able ruler. His name spread far and wide. Even the gods heard about him. Now, when the rain-god heard about him, he got jealous. He thought, ‘How could a mere mortal become so powerful? I will teach him a lesson. Let me see how he saves his people from me.’ The rain-god stopped sending rain on earth. Life on earth was severely affected. The king tried everything to please the rain-god but he was not happy. Finally, the king brought a large army and fought the rain-god. After fighting for many days, the king defeated the rain-god. He then told the rain-god to be judicious and keep the people happy. The rain-god realised his mistake and became friends with the king. All was well after that.
The Just King