The Ascetic Who Ate the Lizard’s Flesh

Once, a great spirit resided in the form of a lizard. An ascetic built his hut where the lizard lived. The lizard, seeing the ascetic, went and paid its respects to the ascetic every day. But this ascetic was a rogue. He loved eating an animal’s flesh. His weakness was a lizard’s flesh. When he saw the lizard visiting him every day, he decided to catch it and enjoy its flesh. So, the next day, the ascetic waited for the lizard. But he was in for a surprise. As soon as the lizard entered the hut, it knew what was going to happen. It immediately turned back and started moving out of the door. The ascetic, in panic, threw his club at the lizard but missed it. The club, in turn, bounced back and hit the ascetic instead. The ascetic was badly wounded.

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