Hot Desert

Hot desert is any location on the Earth that is extremely dry and receives less than 25 cm of rainfall per year. Deserts may be very hot or very cold. In hot deserts, the Sun shines mercilessly and the only source of water is through meagre annual rainfall. African and Asian deserts are the examples of hot deserts. African desert is hot since it is close to the equator and Asian desert is hot because it is far away from the sea. Cacti are one of the main plants found in the hot desert. Hot deserts are further classified into two classes: sand deserts and rock deserts. Sand deserts have abundant sand and wind creates huge sand-dunes in this region; whereas rock deserts have bare rocks, rough plains and cliffs.

Sand-Dune: It is a mound created by the accumulation of sand grains. It is built by wind and can even get displaced by it.

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