William and the Black Stallion

Prince William was eagerly waiting to begin his horse-riding class. The new instructor, Patrick, came to the palace with a black stallion. Strangely, William was terrified of the stallion and ran away. Patrick learnt that a black cat had attacked William once. This made him afraid of dark coloured animals. Patrick decided to help William overcome his fear. The next day, Patrick brought a black-coloured puppy to the palace. At first, William was scared, but when the puppy licked William’s hand lovingly, he felt less fearful. However, the stallion still scared William. Patrick said, “William, the rein on the stallion is magical. Till you hold it tight, the stallion will not harm you.” William believed Patrick and held the rein tight and galloped through the forest. William felt confident, though the rein was not magical. Gradually, William overcame his fear for dark animals and was able to ride the stallion with pride.

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