Tim and the Dolphin

Once, a boy named Tim went on a sea voyage with his father. Sadly, Tim was seasick and missed home. One day, Tim saw a face at the porthole. It was a dolphin. Tim ran to the deck to see the dolphin swimming in the sea. “Cheer up! The sea is beautiful!” said the dolphin. Tim was feeling better and his seasickness had disappeared. From that day onwards, the dolphin came to meet Tim every day. One day, the dolphin said, “Tim, there are rocks ahead. Tell the captain to change direction and take a new course.” Tim told the captain, who laughed. A few hours later, the ship ran into the rocks. The ship almost toppled and Tim fell into the sea. The dolphin had been swimming close to the ship and saved Tim. The captain apologised to the dolphin and fed it lots of fish as a reward.

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