The Silly Birds


Once, there was an owl who had many bright ideas. He wanted to help his fellow birds. One day, he said to the birds, “I wish to give you all some important information. Do not let the acorns grow. They produce mistletoe, from which poison is collected that will help hunters capture you. Also, pluck out the flaxseeds. Hunters make nets out of these seeds to trap you.” The birds looked at one another, surprised, and then, laughed at the owl. But the owl still continued, “Be alert! I can see a hunter approaching. His arrows are armed with birds’ feathers that can fly faster than your wings!” The birds paid no attention to him. But some days later, they realised that the owl had spoken the truth. They came to him again to get his advice. But the owl was bitter over their past behaviour and did not give them any advice.
Moral: Do not make fun of anyone.

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