The Princess and the Devil

Hatim was caught by the royal guards and taken as prisoner and thrown near the princess’ chamber at the outskirts of China. As night approached, Hatim saw guards leave the chamber after locking all doors and windows. Suddenly, the princess became wild as if possessed by a devil. She asked Hatim, “Which fruit is sweet beyond measure?” Hatim replied “One’s offspring.” She then asked, “What is it that no one desires and yet everyone obtains?” Hatim replied, “Death.” Suddenly a devil in shape of a serpent came out of the princess’ mouth and tried to kill Hatim! But Hatim captured him in a vessel and buried him in the ground. Hatim had unknowingly freed the princess. The grateful prince thanked him, “We did not know that a devil had possessed the princess and because of it she demanded to capture travellers and kill them if they did not answer her riddles.” Hatim was glad that he had solved another problem.

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