The Frog and the Mouse


A long time ago, there lived a frog in a marsh. Near by, in the same marsh, lived a mouse in a hole. Both were very good friends. But one day, they got into a dispute. It was over the ownership of the marsh. The frog declared, “I am the owner of this marsh. I have been living here for a long time.” The mouse argued, “No! I am its owner.” They decided to solve the matter by fighting it out. The winner would be the owner. Both armed themselves with sticks to use them like spears. Both were sure of their victory. Soon, they were fighting away without care in the world. Suddenly, a hawk came there. Hovering in the sky, she saw the animals fighting. As she was hungry, she swooped down, caught both of them in her claws and carried them away to her nest.
Moral: Disunity invites trouble.

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