The Search

King Mahpari and his courtiers waited for days and weeks for the fairies escorting Hatim to reach the palace, but there was no sign of them. Mahpari became impatient. He sent his guards to find out about the delay. The guards returned with the information that suddenly one day Hatim disappeared! The fairies who were bringing him to the palace did not know what happened. And the fairies gathered along the road also did not remember anything. Mahpari sent his spies all over mountain Kaf in search of Hatim. One of the spies found Hatim under the magic spell of Husnapari in the gardens of Mansapari. The King accused Mansapari of treachery. Mansapari could not believe what was said. So, in order to prove his innocence and to unfold the truth, he went home. There, he was shocked to see his daughter Husnapari in the garden with a human, who he assumed to be Hatim!

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