The Genie Prince

The blazing heat of the sun made it difficult for Hatim Tai to walk, so he went near a tree for some shade. There, he saw two serpents, one black and another white, engaged in a fight. The black one had injured the white one, which with its pleading eyes looked upon Hatim for help. Hatim took out his sword and pointed it towards the black serpent, seeing which, the black serpent retreated its steps and hid in the desert sand. Hatim tended to the wounds of the white serpent and to his amazement it transformed into a young man! He told Hatim that he was a genie and his father was a king. The black serpent was their slave who wanted to kill him in order to become the crown prince. The genie prince offered money to Hatim to express his gratitude, but Hatim refused. So with his magic, the genie prince shortened Hatim’s route to Shahabad.

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