The Clever Thief


Once upon a time, there was a thief who had a heart of gold. He used to rob the rich and give the riches to the needy. The other thieves did not like this. It was bad for their profession. So, they planned to get rid of him. They challenged him, “If you are able to steal the king’s pyjamas, we will make you our leader but if you don’t, then you will have to stop stealing.” The thief accepted the challenge. At midnight, he went to the king’s palace. He opened a bottle and dropped some red ants on the bed. The ants attacked the sleeping king. The alarmed king quickly removed his clothes. The thief quickly picked the king’s pyjamas when the king was not watching. Then, he ran off from the palace. He showed the pyjamas to the other thieves. They had to accept him as their leader.
Moral: Nothing is impossible.

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