The Miser


Once, there was a rich man. But he was a miser. One day, he fell ill. No one could cure him. So, he prayed to God, “If you cure me, I will sacrifice a hundred bulls at your altar.” God heard his prayers and cured him. But once the rich man was cured, his mind changed. To save money, he had a hundred tiny idols of bulls made and offered them at the altar. God was angry, for the man had broken his promise. He had not offered live bulls. So, God decided to punish him. God appeared in his dream and said, “Go to the seashore in the morning. You will get a hundred gold coins for yourself.” The greedy man went to the seashore but a ship of pirates arrived there. The pirates imprisoned the greedy man. They sold him as a slave and got a hundred gold coins in return.
Moral: Always keep your promise.

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