Marc Fights a Panther to Save Colton

In 2007, Colton Reeb had gone on a camping trip in Canada with his family. He was staying in a cabin. One evening, a big male panther attacked Colton from behind, when he was going to an outhouse. The panther bit Colton’s head as its locked it front paws around his neck. Marc Patterson, a family friend, immediately rushed to help Colton as he heard his screams. He kicked the panther five times but the animal didn’t move. Marc then jumped onto the animal. He wrapped both his hands and one knee around the panther and squeezed its neck. The animal left Colton but threatened Marc. The panther growled loudly before attacking Marc, but Marc was brave. He also growled back, screamed and threatened the animal with his gestures. The animal was now backing off, while Marc continued howling and flinging his arms to scare the animal away. Meanwhile Colton ran away to safety.

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