Cheng Saves a Panda

Cheng was a student of zoology. It was his dream to work in the panda reserve. He liked to spend his free time observing pandas in their natural habitat. One day, when he was in the jungle he heard a panda’s cry for help. He moved slowly in that direction. A short distance away, he saw the panda. It was choking on something and was unable to make any noise now. Cheng knew that the panda might die if he went to seek others’ help. However, if he went too close the panda could attack and injure him. But there was no other option. By then, the panda was nearly unconscious. Cheng quickly opened its mouth. He saw that the panda was choking on a plastic wrapper that some tourist had carelessly thrown away. Cheng removed the wrapper with the help of forceps and managed to save the panda’s life.

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