Santosh Saves a Young Boy

Santosh was a fisherman in the coastal area of Andhra Pradesh. One day, the sea was full of high waves. Soon, there was an announcement saying that a hurricane would be hitting their village. When Santosh heard this, he rushed to bring his boats to a safer area before leaving the village. By the time he had dragged his boats to safety the sky was overcast. Santosh was rushing home when he heard a voice calling for help. He looked around but could see no one. The shouting continued. Santosh was near a cliff. When he looked over the side, he saw a young boy hanging on to a tree growing from the cliff wall. He had been blown over by the strong winds. Risking his own life, Santosh held out his hand to the boy and helped him climb up the cliff wall. He then carried the boy on his back to the nearest shelter.

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