One day, Birbal was on his way home from Emperor Akbar’s court. He saw a couple of donkeys fighting. Soon, another donkey came there and tried to interfere. Birbal got off his horse and kept watching the donkeys. When passers-by saw Birbal standing there, they were curious to know why he was looking at the donkeys. They began asking one another, “What is it about the donkeys that has grabbed Birbal’s attention?” They continued to gather around Birbal, who paid no attention to them and continued watching the donkeys. One of them asked Birbal, “Why are you looking so keenly at the donkeys?” “I am amazed at the third donkey,” said Birbal. “Well, what about it?” asked the man. Birbal replied, “Just like this donkey, humans also interfere in other people’s matters without doing their work.” People in the crowd understood Birbal was referring to them and soon, they all went away.
The Donkeys’ Fight