The Reading Session

Once, a budding writer invited Birbal to tea. He had finished writing his first book and wanted to read it out to Birbal. Birbal accepted the invitation. When the writer had read a couple of chapters, Birbal realised it was a badly written book. He wanted to leave. But the writer said, “There’s another chapter you must listen to. I’m such a good writer.” Birbal did not want to be rude, so he didn’t tell the writer what he actually thought about the book. He told the writer that it was getting late, so he must leave. But the writer would not listen. He went on reading. After the reading session, the writer asked, “I shouldn’t praise myself, but don’t you think I am a great writer?” Birbal said, “Please praise yourself because no one else will!” The writer understood that Birbal wanted him to improve his writing.

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