Rhinoceroses are the second largest land mammals on
the Earth after elephants.

Although rhinoceroses have large body size, they
have small brains.

The word ‘rhinoceros’ means ‘nose horn’. Rhinoceroses are often called
‘rhinos’. Rhinos grow horns from their snouts.

Rhinos do look scary but they are calm and gentle animals.

Rhinos have sensitive skin. They sleep in the shade to avoid the daytime heat.

They eat plants and tall grasses in the cool atmosphere of dawn and dusk.

They love to play in the muddy pools to cool off. Mud protects
their skin from the strong sunrays.

Rhinos have poor eyesight, so they are easily scared.

When rhinos feel scared, they run and destroy whatever comes in their path.

Tickbirds are rhinos’ best friends. They pick out the insects from
the rhinos’ thick skin.