Penguins are aquatic birds that spend most of their life in and
near cold waters.

Penguins are the birds that cannot fly but they can swim really well.

Penguins feed on the animals living in the sea. They eat fish,
squid, krill, shrimp and other sea animals.

Penguins do not have teeth. So, they catch their food with
their beaks and swallow it whole.

Penguins are playful. They often slide on their tummies over snow.
This is called ‘tobogganing’.

Penguins lay eggs on the shore. They take good care of their eggs.

When the egg hatches, a baby penguin comes out.
The baby penguin is called a ‘chick’.

Emperor Penguins are the tallest and heaviest of all penguins.
They live in extremely cold climate.

The smallest penguins are the Little Blue Penguins. They are
also known as Fairy Penguins.

Penguins are social animals. They often huddle together to keep
warm in the cold temperatures.