Sven was walking through the fields, when he saw an old man sitting near a stream. The old man looked quite weak, so Sven said, “May I help you?” The old man did not speak, but made a sign to carry him across the stream. Sven helped the old man to clamber onto his back and crossed the stream. But when they reached the other side, the old man tightened his grip around Sven’s neck. “Let go of me,” shouted Sven. But the old man did not let go. He made Sven gather food, cook and do all the work. Sven was trapped! Finally one day, he had an idea. He found some grapes and let them ferment. In a few days, it turned into wine. Then Sven offered the wine to the old man. He had all the wine at once, and slept deeply. At last, his hold loosened and Sven was able to escape!
The Old Man