Shark Attack


Dr. Jonathan Reiss was a scientist. He had been studying the plants near coral reefs and today was his last dive under water. Jonathan was collecting samples, when he accidentally cut his arm on a piece of coral. It was not a deep cut, but still, the water was tinged red with his blood. Before he could swim up to the surface, his worst fears came true. Smelling the blood in the water, a shark came swimming closer and closer to him. As the shark started circling around him, Jonathan knew he did not have much time. He only had a small knife attached to his wetsuit. He gripped it hard and waited. Within moments, the shark attacked him. Jonathan repeatedly jabbed at the shark’s eyes and gills, its weakest spots. As soon as the shark swam away, Jonathan pushed towards the surface of the water. He could hardly believe that he had survived a shark attack!

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