The Clever Grandpa

Brad Bear had holidays in his school. He came to visit Grandpa. One day, they were walking by the river when Brad Bear saw a fish in the water. He rushed into the river, caught the fish and held it up proudly for Grandpa to see. Grandpa smiled. “I could run fast like you once. My legs were once strong and speedy like yours. But now I have found an easier way to catch fish.” Brad was curious and asked excitedly, “How Grandpa? Please tell me!” Grandpa laughed seeing Brad’s curiosity and said, “I have become clever with age. I stand near the waves and as soon as the waves become huge, I wait for the fish to jump out of the water straight into my mouth.” Brad laughed a lot hearing this. He exclaimed, “Wow Grandpa! You are the greatest and smartest.” After that day Brad caught fish in the same way his grandpa did.

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