Banana Time

Gina Elephant loved to stroll every day. One day, as she was strolling in the jungle, she found a huge bunch of bananas on a rock. Gina was surprised to see them lying there. ‘Whose are these? Someone must have forgotten to take these,’ she thought. She saw a snake near by and asked him, “Are these bananas yours?” The snake replied, “No!” and went away. Soon, a giraffe came along. Gina asked him, “Are these bananas yours?” The giraffe replied, “Though they look tempting yet they are not mine.” So, Gina just left the bananas there and went away. Soon, a bear came there. He saw the bananas and wanted to eat them. But suddenly, she heard a rustling in the branches. Many monkeys came swinging through the trees! They saw the bananas and screamed, “Wow, what bananas! Let us eat them!” And so the monkeys enjoyed the ripe bananas.

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