Sleepless Nights for the Amir


The Amir had sleepless nights as Mulla Nasruddin was raising revolutionary thoughts in people against him and his ruthless officials. So, he called his officials and asked, “Who rules Bukhara–Mulla or me? He has caused a great loss to our treasury and position. Do you have any plan to catch and punish him?” “We have tried but he manages to escape in the nick of time. We must consult the most experienced official here,” said the army commander. An old advisor said, “We must do something so that not a single drop of blood may remain in his body.” “You fool!” the Amir shouted, “I’m not asking you how to punish him but how we could catch him. All of you are brainless. Go away; get out of my sight.” At this, the officers rushed out of the royal court.

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