The Interview


Greta was looking for a job. One day, she went for an interview. She was quite nervous. There were many others who had applied for the job and she sat along with them as she waited for her turn. As her eyes wandered around the reception area, she noticed some pieces of paper littering the passageway. She got up and picked them up all, and threw them in a dustbin. The other candidates were amused. While some made faces at her, others exchanged glances and whispered among themselves. But none had noticed the interviewer walking past. When it was Greta’s turn, the interviewer asked her many questions and Greta answered them all. Then the interviewer said, “Good habits go a long way in bringing recognition. Small acts of kindness make a big difference. Today I saw you when you were clearing the passageway of litter. As a token of appreciation, we’re hiring you!”

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