The Fairy’s Blessing


Rosetta loved to eat cakes. But her mother could not afford to give her cakes every day. One day, Rosetta saw some mean boys catch hold of a butterfly. She drove them away. “Leave the poor creature alone. It’s not cool to harm others for your pleasure,” she said. The butterfly became a fairy. She said, “Rosetta, you saved my life. You shall find a magic oven at home that will bake cakes for you until you ask it to stop.” Rosetta went home and there was the oven! It baked delicious cakes for her every day. One day, Rosetta’s mother asked the oven to bake a cake. But since she did not know how to make it stop, the oven went on baking cakes. When Rosetta came home, her house was full of cakes. She sold all the cakes. Everyone loved the cakes and she became a famous baker.

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