Playing in the Snow

Bunny, the rabbit, was just four months old. He had hardly seen the world. It was winter time, so there was snow everywhere. But poor Bunny had never seen snow before. It seemed there was white carpet everywhere. He ran inside to Mother Rabbit and cried, “I cannot go out, because there is a big, white carpet all over the fields!” Mother laughed and said, “It is just snow, Bunny. You can still play outside!” Bunny said, “Can’t you come with me?” Mother said, “I have to look after the house. Ask your friend.” So, Bunny put on his woolly hat and a scarf. Then he went to his friend’s house. Both had a nice time in the snow. First, they had great fun with a snowball fight. Then they built a huge snowman. The snow did not scare Bunny anymore!

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